Sensei Moore, currently a 6th degree black belt, has been studying martial arts for 30 years as of 2018. Starting his studies in mainland Japan, he earned his first black belt in Kyokushin Karate. Moving to the states in his early twenties, he continued his training in Kenpo Karate. Sensei Moore is also ranked in Aikido and has a background in grappling. Combining traditional & conventional methods, Sensei Moore trains his students to adapt to modern day encounters, while still preserving the time honored traditions of the martial arts.
November 10th, 1990, Sensei Moore was promoted to a 1st Degree Black Belt in the style of Kyokushin Karate at the Seishin Juku Karate Dojo in Yokosuka, Japan. There, he trained under the instruction of Yoshihiro Takashima Sensei for several years.
Kakidote Dojo, in Jackson, TN promoted Sensei Moore to a 1st degree Black Belt in Tracy's Kenpo Karate in 2004 under the training of Kyoshi Jim Green, 7th Dan. Sensei Moore currently holds a 4th degree Black Belt, under Sensei Green.
January 3rd 2012, Sensei Sherwin Moore was promoted to a 5th Dan under Yarinage Sensei, Hanshi Michael Ceballos, 8th Dan of Tamanegi Do.
Other disciplines of study include Aikido, Grappling, Iaido, & Kali. Also, during this time, Fudoshinka Dojo joined the Tamanegi Do Martial Arts Association and Atarashii Budo Shu Kai Organizaions. Sensei Moore, still much the ever learning training student and is currently under the instruction of Hanshi Michael Caballos of Tamanegi Do & the tutilege of Kyoshi Travis Ginn, headmaster of Traditional Martial Arts Center in Ettowah, NC & newly appointed president of Tenbukan Bujitsu Renmei.
Other areas of study include Kyusho-jitsu under Sensei Brad Keel of Mitoru Dojo, Kalis-Silak under Guro Robin Schermerhorn of Memphis Kali Group, and Tai Chi under Sifu Robbins.
Appointed by Kyoshi Trent "Kuma" Warner, 7th Dan, president of Atarashii Budo Shu Kai, Sensei Moore is currently the Southeast Regional Director for ABSK.
In November of 2016, Sensei Moore earned a 1st degree black belt in Kenjutsu & a 4th degree black belt in Goshin-jitsu under Grandmaster John "Shihan" Mayer, 8th dan within the Tenbukan Bujitsu Renmei, a division of Rick Jessee Martial Arts. Sensei Moore is also a 3PC certified Self Defense Instructor under Shihan Mayer.
July of 2018, Sensei Moore was promoted to a 4th Degree black belt in Aiki-Jiujitsu & appointed to the position of Technical Advisor of Tenbukan Bujitsu Renmei.
July 28th of 2018 at the 18th Tenbukan Annual Summer Camp, at Tenbukan Hombu Traditional Martial Arts Center, Ettowah, NC, Sensei Moore was promoted to a 6th Degree black belt in Shito Ryu Karate & granted the title of Kyoshi - Senior Master Instructor under Kyoshi Travis Ginn, 7th Dan & Grandmaster Rick Jessee, 10th Dan, founder of RJMA.
Sensei Brad Keel currently holds the ranks of 5th degree black belt in Ryukyu Kempo under Hanshi Eli M. McCoy, is a licensed Kyusho Study Group Leader for Kyusho International, as well as is a U.S. Ambassador & Master instructor for the German based Okuden Circle.
Sensei Keel has an extensive martial arts background spanning over 30 years, training under great masters such as Eli McCoy, Jim Corn, George Dillman, Evan Pantazi & the late Professor Wally Jay & Taika Seiyu Oyata.
Sensei Keel is also a U.S. Army combat veteran. Proudly serving 6yrs as a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division, Ft. Bragg, N.C.